【JAL JMB會員限定】每日準時夜晚11點申請搶機票 有機會獲得免費雙程機票 請你成家去東京/大阪
JAL Mileage Bank海外會員留意啦,今次JAL就推出左一個全新嘅活動,大家只要上網登記留低自己想飛嘅日子同時段等等就有機會抽到來回機票,目的地喺東京同大阪,旅行日期為2020年7月1日至9月30日,都仲有大半年左右,所以都唔需要太擔心抽到但去唔到。但要留意嘅喺申請人同參與嘅乘客都必須為JMB海外會員。另外每日只會接受250個申請,而每日網站都會重新計算申請,所以有興趣嘅記住每日都準時申請搶機票啦!
JAL Mileage Bank會員亞洲申請網站:https://www121.jal.co.jp/JmbWeb/SR/EnrollProposal_en.do
- 2020年2月27日 12:00pm - 2020年9月23日 10:59pm
- 每日到11:00pm網站就會重新計算,所以大家可以每日都入去申請一次搶機票啊
- 活動官網:https://www.jal.co.jp/en/jmb/japan-promotion/
- 登記網址:https://bit.ly/2I3eWK0
- 每個申請嘅參與乘客人數最高為4個
- 你可以選擇3個或5個飛行時段,方便計劃行程
- 旅行日期為2020年7月1日至9月30日,機票停留有效期為10日
- 目的地有3個,包括東京羽田機場(HND)、大阪伊丹機場(ITM)及大阪關西機場(KIX)
- 名額只有50,000個,每日只接受250個申請者,額滿即止,先到先得
- 登記網址:https://bit.ly/2I3eWK0
- 登記程序:
- 去以上網址搜尋同選擇你嘅出發地、飛行日期及時段、參與乘客人數
- 登記並提供所需資料:
- 所有參與乘客嘅姓名、年齡同JMB會員號碼
- 申請人嘅電郵地址
- 護照資料
- 申請後3日或以上JAL就會send email通知你申請結果,得獎嘅話就會寫埋你抽到嘅目的地
- 留意返每日嘅搜尋次數喺有限㗎
Eligible passengers
- Passengers traveling to Japan on an eligible flight during the specified period
- Applications are limited to one per passenger.
- Passengers must be members of an overseas region JMB.
- Residence must be outside Japan. Passenger must hold a passport issued by a country other than Japan, or a Japanese passport holder with the right of permanent residence of a country other than Japan.
- When boarding, you may be asked to present proof that you visited Japan during the specified period (such as a copy of an international flight ticket or eTicket, etc.).
- Members can travel with their partner, family or friends.
- You can ask for up to 4 seats with one application.
- (Maximum number of persons per application: Total of 4 adults and infants, maximum of two accompanying infants)
- Applications cannot include infants who need a seat (0 – 2 year(s) old).
- Applications cannot be made solely for children (3 – 11 years old).
- Children must be accompanied by an adult aged 12 years or over.
- Applications are for return flights (2 segments) from/to Tokyo (Haneda) or Osaka (Itami or Kansai).
- You will see four possible destinations when you apply. We’ll let you know where you’re going by email within 3 days.
- All segments are direct flights only.
- Flights are between July 1, 2020 (Wed) and September 30 (Wed).
- The return flight must be within 10 days of the outbound flight.
- Up to 100,000 seats are being offered. However, there are a limited number of available seats, so some cases no destinations will be shown.