【Qatar Avios bonus】轉換信用卡積分享額外30%Avios!HSBC EveryMile信用卡適用

【Qatar Avios bonus】轉換信用卡積分享額外30%Avios!HSBC EveryMile信用卡適用

(除咗BA Avios,仲有Qatar Avios換機票教學可以睇,因為可以1:1互換咁邊間抵就用邊間換,仲要Qatar Avios換機票免燃油附加費(可能bug嚟,唔知幾時玩完))

Qatar Avios轉換優惠返嚟啦!5月份轉信用卡積分去Qatar Avios的話可享30% bonus!留意返Qatar Avios同我哋玩開既BA Avios係唔同,但好處係Qatar Avios/Finnair Avios及BA Avios可以1:1互通到,所以你可以選擇先將信用卡積分轉到Qatar Avios再轉去BA Avios,咁就可以賺多30%啦!

但留意,香港可以用信用卡積分轉換到去Qatar Avios嘅只有HSBC EveryMile及Citibank信用卡(Citi Prestige/ Citi PremierMiles / Citi Rewards) 嘅朋友,有卡既朋友可以考慮返。

由即日起至2024年5月31日,Qatar Airways Privilege Club會員通過任何參與銀行(合作夥伴)將其信用卡積分兌換為 Avios 積分時,即可獲得額外 Avios 積分,詳情如下:

  • 由合作夥伴兌換成Avios 積分,即可獲得30%額外 Avios 飛行積分

將信用卡積分兌換成 Avios 積分嘅步驟都好簡單快捷,只要登錄返你係銀行擁有嘅信用卡賬戶,然後揀返通過Qatar Airways Privilege Club將你嘅信用卡積分兌換為 Avios 積分就得。咁你就可以享用入咗去你Privilege Club帳戶嘅額外 Avios 積分喇,實測咗用HSBC EveryMile信用卡換過去仲係即到!不過再轉去BA Avios到就要小心(先前有例子因為唔對名所以轉唔到),要咁轉的話建議先試轉少少,真係試咗可以先大手轉,下文有圖解。

其他里數計劃教學:Asia Miles 換機票教學BA Avios教學Qatar Avios換機票教學Finnair Avios教學

【30% Avios bonus】優惠詳情

轉換信用卡積分兌換成 Avios 飛行積分步驟:

  • 登錄你在Qatar Airways的銀行合作夥伴處擁有的獎勵賬戶。
  • 選擇通過Qatar Airways Privilege Club 將你的獎勵積分轉換為 Avios 飛行積分。
  • 享受記入你的 Privilege Club 帳戶的額外 Avios 飛行積分。

轉換Qatar Avios為BA Avios

Qatar里數計劃Qatar avios現時可以轉換成BA Avios,記得本身Qatar avios同BA avios唔同,但佢哋既特性係可以1:1簡單戶通。


  • 到Qatar留電話及email開個Qatar戶口 (記得你個First Name(名字)及Last name (姓氏)要同BA Executive Club個名對)
  • 收verification code,login到Privilege Club
  • 可以即刻Combine BA Executive Club (你原先的BA Avios戶口,建議大手轉換前可試下轉少少小試牛刀)
  • 綁定完可以於Qatar Privilege Club,點選Combine Avios到做轉換,記得係Q points去BA Avios,唔好搞錯方向
  • Privilege Club到顯示即時成功,過一陣去返BA Avios到睇見到里數已成功入賬
【Qatar Avios bonus】轉換信用卡積分享額外30%Avios!HSBC EveryMile信用卡適用

開完戶口Login就話我知可以綁定BA Avios account

【Qatar Avios bonus】轉換信用卡積分享額外30%Avios!HSBC EveryMile信用卡適用

開完戶口,去返combine Avios到就見到呢個畫面可以轉及打入去轉幾多,留意個方向啊

【Qatar Avios bonus】轉換信用卡積分享額外30%Avios!HSBC EveryMile信用卡適用

過一陣去返BA Avios到睇,啲Avios已經到賬

【30% Avios bonus】常見問題FAQ

今次Qatar 30% bonus Avios可以換到幾時?

  • 答:今次Qatar Airways Privilege Club 30% bonus Avios優惠由即日起至2024年5月31日。

今次Qatar 30% bonus Avios會幾時收到?

  • 答:賺取嘅所有獎勵 Avios 將於6月15日前反映係你嘅 Privilege Club 帳戶中。

今次Qatar 30% bonus Avios參與嘅合作夥伴有邊啲銀行?

  • 答:參與的合作夥伴有 Ahli United Bank, Ahlibank, Bank of Maldives, Bank of New Zealand, Banque Saudi Fransi, Chinabank, CIMB, Citibank, Commercial Bank, CTBC Bank, Doha Bank, Dukhan Bank, Emirates Islamic, HSBC Hong Kong, HSBC Singapore, HSBC Sri Lanka, Hyundai Card, Kasikorn Bank, Kuwait Finance House, Mashreq, National Bank of Kuwait, Qatar International Islamic Bank, QNB, Ping An E-Wallet。

【30% Avios bonus】條款及細則

These Terms and Conditions relate to the campaign, organised by Qatar Airways Group Q.C.S.C through its Privilege Club, which enables Privilege Club members to earn 30% bonus Avios when they convert their rewards points earned with a participating partner to Avios. This campaign commences on 1st May 2024, 00:00hrs (GMT+3), and ends on 31st May 2024, 23:59hrs (GMT+3) (‘campaign period’).

This campaign is open to all active Privilege Club members who have a loyalty account with participating partners in the prescribed markets and have a minimum amount of rewards points to convert to Avios.

Privilege Club members will earn bonus Avios on converting rewards points from a participating partner into Avios.
The bonus Avios awarded will be 30% of the number of base Avios converted in a single transaction.
The bonus Avios will be calculated per transaction and not on the cumulative sum of base Avios converted from rewards points during the campaign period.
The conversion of rewards points to base Avios is subject to the conversion ratio and terms and conditions set forth by the participating partner.
The participating partners are Ahli United Bank (Bahrain, Kuwait), Ahlibank (Qatar), Bank of Maldives (Maldives), Bank of New Zealand (New Zealand), Banque Saudi Fransi (Saudi Arabia), Chinabank (Philippines), CIMB (Malaysia), Citibank (Australia, Hong Kong, India, Philippines, Poland, Singapore, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, United States of America) , Commercial Bank (Qatar), CTBC Bank (Taiwan), Doha Bank (Qatar), Dukhan Bank (Qatar), Emirates Islamic (United Arab Emirates), HSBC Hong Kong, HSBC Singapore, HSBC Sri Lanka, Hyundai Card (South Korea), Kasikorn Bank (Thailand), Kuwait Finance House (Kuwait), Mashreq (United Arab Emirates), National Bank of Kuwait (Kuwait), Qatar International Islamic Bank (Qatar), QNB (Qatar), Ping An E-Wallet (China). For more details, refer to the respective partner page here.
All bonus Avios earned will be reflected in your Privilege Club account by 15 June 2024.
The bonus Avios will not be awarded if the conversion transaction occurs outside the campaign period under any circumstances.
Once the conversion transaction has taken place, the transaction cannot be reversed.
All base Avios and bonus Avios awarded under this campaign will be subject to the Qatar Airways Privilege Club Terms & Conditions.
All decisions made by Qatar Airways Privilege Club with respect to any matter relating to this campaign shall be final. Qatar Airways Privilege Club reserves the right to vary these terms and conditions and terminate or otherwise amend this campaign without prior notice at its sole and absolute discretion. Qatar Airways Privilege Club reserves the right to verify the eligibility of participating Privilege Club members and eliminate them if found suspicious and involved in fraudulent activity.


